Do You Want A Belgian Malinois?

I made this video nearly a year ago and didn’t post it. I just wasn’t that happy with it. It sat on private for 6 months before one day I thought, what the heck, I made it, i’ll post it. I was taken aback by it’s popularity!

I made this video nearly a year ago and didn’t post it. I just wasn’t that happy with it. It sat on private for 6 months before one day I thought, what the heck, I made it, i’ll post it. I was taken aback by it’s popularity!

The purpose of making this video was to show the day to day demeanour and energy of a malinois, to show what it’s like to live with one. I am by no means an expert on the breed, I have owned Envy for three years now and in this video I simply related our experiences with her, what it’s like to live with her and what other people also have to say about the breed.

I purposely let Envy show off her energy and cheeky antics. I copped a bit of flack for that in the YouTube comments by people that don’t have appear to have a sense of humour but I can laugh that off. What are YouTube comments for anyway?

I also found by posting this video that Envy is normal. Hundreds of people commented to say that she was just like their malinois! Her antics are all common for the breed.

It’s important for people to research a breed before buying as it’s a long term commitment. I know from experience that when researching the malinois, it is easy to be romanced by the flashy performances you can find on videos by top trainers that have spent hours every day for a few years to get those results and to think to yourself, “I want that!”

But it is also important to know what it’s really going to be like day in and day out living with such a dog. Do I think you need to be a super trainer to own one? NO! They are a great dog for anyone who is dog savvy and active. Just be aware that they do take a lot of work, time and energy. I get tired just looking at Envy some days.

Of course, I wouldn’t take it back for the world and I couldn’t picture life without her.

Make sure you watch the video for an overview of my experience owning a malinois and feel free to comment below with your experience with the breed too.

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